[GAP Forum] RE: Finding the maximal subgroup of S_n such that a subpace V of R^n is invariant

Bulutoglu Dursun A Civ AFIT/ENC Dursun.Bulutoglu at afit.edu
Fri Oct 22 20:54:41 BST 2004

	Dear GAP-Forum and Jan,
	In my problems n is large (1000<n). I can convert the suggested
algorithm into random heuristic search algorithm that would work for
1000<n. I am not sure how good this converted algorithm would perform. I
was wondering if there are any theoretical results I could use that
would make my search more efficient. I was wondering whether people ever
considered this problem theoretically.

	Thank you for your attention.

Dear GAP-Forum and Dursun,

> Let V be an m dimensional subspace of R^n. Let S_n act on R^n and on V

> by permuting the coordinates of each vector in R^n. Thus S_n acts on 
> R^n regularly.
> 	I was wondering whether there is any tool in GAP that I could
use to 
> find the maximal subgroup G of S_n such that V remains invariant under

> this action.  Obviously one can fix a basis for V and compute the 
> symmetry group of the matrix formed by putting these basis vectors 
> into a matrix. This symmetry group would be a subgroup of of G but I 
> would like to be able to compute G or some subgroup of G that has as 
> many elements of G as possible.

The brute force code below will work for those n for which listing all
elements of S_n is feasible. There should be more efficient algorithms,
though, using (the code for) `Stabiliser'. Over finite fields, one may
try to implement Grassmannians and compute the stabiliser of V there.

# V is a subspace of F^n for some field F, and this returns the #
subgroup of S_n stabilising V.
local B,Ann,Zo,L,n;

if Dimension(V)=0 then return(SymmetricGroup(Length(AsSet(V)[1])));

Ann:=TransposedMat(NullspaceMat(TransposedMat(B)));     #eqs defining
Zo:=B*Ann;                                              #zero matrix
        (List(B,v->Permuted(v,pi))*Ann = Zo)); return Group(L);



Group([ (), (1,2), (4,5), (1,2)(4,5) ])

Best wishes,



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