From GAP-Forum-Sender@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE Fri Nov 11 03:40:01 1994
From: Derek Holt <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <GAP-Forum@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE>
Subject: Re: GAP on Solaris 2.3We have two very new machines running Solaris 2.4.
I had not got round to compiling GAP on them until today.
(One reason for this is that GAP compiled on SUN 4 using
sun-sparc-sunos-cc does run on the Solaris machines (although this
compatability does not seem to work in the other direction).Unfortunately, we also do not have cc (since SUN no longer supply it
free) so we have to use gcc. I eventually got it to compile and run
successfully withmake usg CC=gcc COPTS="-DSYS_HAS_SIGNAL_PROTO -DSYS_HAS_TIME_PROTO"
Best wishes,
How do you get Solaris 2.4 ? I called SUN and they say it is not out yet!!!
Paulo de Souza