in this example I define a "small" group K of order 100 but if I ask
order(K) or Size(K) I obtain an error message...
e:=CyclotomicField( 20 );; idm:=IdentityMat(4,e);; i:=E(4);; co:=(E(10)+(E(10))^(-1))/2;; si:=(E(10)-E(10)^(-1))/(2*i);; A:=[[0,0,co,-si], [-si,co,0,0], [co,si,0,0], [0,0,si,co]];; S:=[[1,0,0,0], [0,1,0,0], [0,0,-1,0], [0,0,0,-1]];; G:=Group(A,S);; D:=DerivedSubgroup(G); K:=Group(GeneratorsOfGroup(D),S); Size(K); exceeded the permitted memory (`-o' command line option) at rep := rep * elm; ClosureGroupDefault( H, gen ) called from Enumerator( C ) called from <function>( <arguments> ) called from read-eval-loop Entering break read-eval-print loop, you can 'quit;' to quit to outer loop, or you can return to continue brk>
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