Dear Drew Krause, Dear GAP-Forum,
Thank you for your quick reply.
The specific problem plays out as follows (in 3.4.4):
gap> RequirePackage("grape");
Error, share library "grape" is not installed in
LoadPackage( name ) called from
RequirePackage( "grape" ) called from
main loopGrape libraries *do* appear in my Gap directory tree. While I'm in the
process of installing Gap on my Linux partition, I would still like to
know what the problem is here in DOS...
The last line in the file GAP.BAT (called to run GAP) should be as follows:
%GAP_DIR%\bin\gapdjg -m %GAP_MEM% -l %GAP_DIR%/lib/; -h %GAP_DIR%\doc\ %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 Note the "/lib/".
Hope this works.
Regards, Leonard.
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