Dear GAP Forum,
Some time ago there were a number of messages posted to the forum
concerning GAPstone measurements for various machines. Having just upgraded
my home machine, I thought I'd measure GAP's performance on it and some
other machines around the Mathematics Department at the ANU. In case anyone
else is interested in such measurements, here is a brief summary:
(all runs performed with 2MB of workspace: ie "gap -m 2m")
L2 Bus total Machine CPU/speed cache speed RAM OS GAPstones --------------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------- --------- SparcStation 5 Sparc5/110 ? ? 32MB Solaris 63752 SparcStation 10/41 SuperSparc/50 ? ? 256MB Solaris 71065 Dell Pentium Notebook Pentium/150 512K 66 48MB Linux 112540 Power Center 150 PPC604/150 512K 50 32MB MacOS 131653*
(I was surprised that the difference between the Pentium/150 and the
PPC604/150 was not higher, since the PPC604/150 should be closer to the
performance of a Pentium/200 --- the (relatively) slow bus speed of the
Power Center is having an impact here I guess.)
It's interesting to compare these with the figures quoted in a January 1993
posting by Martin. The highest score at that time was 63578 GAPstones
attained by a HP 730...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSTO & Australian National University