Dear Gap-Forum,
I have encountered two small gaps in GAP's functions that deal (or rather,
refuse to deal) with polynomials:
1. The HTML-GAP-Manual, Release 3.4 (10. Jul. 1994), states that
> there is no generic way to test whether a [Ring] element is irreducible.
Yes, there is:
if Length(arg)=1 then
return Length(Factors(arg[1]))=1;
elif Length(arg)=2 then
return Length(Factors(arg[1],arg[2]))=1;
Error("Wrong number of arguments");
2. Usually, you use a list to define a polynomial. But maybe later on, you want
the list back, and you want that simply by using the command List(p). (E.g. I
wanted to construct the companion matrix of a polynomial.) The following patch
for List allows this:
List:=function ( arg ) local lst, i, fun; if Length( arg ) = 1 then if IsString( arg[1] ) then lst := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. LengthString( arg[1] ) ] do lst[i] := SubString( arg[1], i, i ); od; elif IsList( arg[1] ) then lst := arg[1]; elif IsPerm( arg[1] ) then lst := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. LargestMovedPointPerm( arg[1] ) ] do lst[i] := i ^ arg[1]; od; elif IsWord( arg[1] ) then lst := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. LengthWord( arg[1] ) ] do lst[i] := Subword( arg[1], i, i ); od; elif IsPolynomial( arg[1] ) then # *** THIS IS *** lst := arg[1].coefficients; # *** NEW !!! *** else Error( "can't convert ", arg[1], " into a list" ); fi; elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsList( arg[1] ) and IsFunc( arg[2] ) then lst := [ ]; fun := arg[2]; for i in [ 1 .. Length( arg[1] ) ] do lst[i] := fun( arg[1][i] ); od; else Error( "usage: List( <obj> ) or List( <list>, <func> )" ); fi; return lst; end;
Regards, Richard
_______________________________________________________________________________ richard rossmanith