Dear GAP Forum,
I would like to use packages like grape or xgap in GAP 4.
Is this possible already? If so, where do I get these packages and
how do I integrate them into my GAP-directory structure?
Best regards,
Stephan Rosebrock
********************************************************************** * Dr. Stephan Rosebrock * * Fakultaet III (Mathematik / Informatik) Tel: 0(49)-721-925-4275 * * Paedagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe Fax: 0(49)-721-925-4249 * * Bismarckstr. 10 * * D-76133 Karlsruhe * * Deutschland / Germany home: 0(49)-6195-901138 * * * * e-mail: * * home page: * **********************************************************************