> < ^ Date: Fri, 09 May 1997 09:54:17 +0100
> < ^ From: Goetz Pfeiffer <Goetz.Pfeiffer@NUIGalway.ie >
^ Subject: Re: MONOID functions

Dear GAP Forum, dear Chris,

The announcement of the package MONOID is very welcome.

Thanks for the flowers. Let me just briefly answer your questions.

Can the authors comment on the compatibility of this package
with the package GLISSANDO, and any intended (GAP3) developments?

The MONOID package is *not* compatible with the GLISSANDO package, as
your examples show.

MONOID will be maintained as a GAP3 package. As Steve Linton has
remarked in a letter to the GAP forum on Fri, 02 Aug 96, the package
will probably form the basis of semigroup support in GAP4.


Goetz.Pfeiffer@ucg.ie                       http://schmidt.ucg.ie/~goetz/
University College Galway, Ireland.                 phone ++353-91-750353

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