> < ^ Date: Mon, 10 May 1993 15:53:57 +0200
> < ^ From: Goetz Pfeiffer <Goetz.Pfeiffer@NUIGalway.ie >
^ Subject: BUG in 'SortCharactersCharTable'.

Dear Gap-Forum.

I noticed a little bug in the function 'SortCharactersCharTable'.
This function, if called in the form

'SortCharactersCharTable( <tbl> )'

with a character table <tbl> as its only argument, is supposed to sort
the characters in '<tbl>.irreducibles' and then to apply the same
permutation to the list '<tbl>.irredinfo'.

This doesn't work right if the 1-character is not the first one in the
list 'irreducibles' and the table contains more than one character of
degree one!

gap> c2:= CharTable("Symmetric", 2);;
gap> DisplayCharTable(c2);

2  1  1
   1a 2a
2P 1a 1a
X.1   1 -1
X.2   1  1

gap> c2.irredinfo;
[ rec(
      charparam := [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ] ), rec(
      charparam := [ 1, [ 2 ] ] ) ]
gap> SortCharactersCharTable(c2);
gap> DisplayCharTable(c2);
2  1  1
   1a 2a
2P 1a 1a
X.1   1  1
X.2   1 -1

gap> c2.irredinfo;
[ rec(
      charparam := [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ] ), rec(
      charparam := [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ] ) ]

This will be fixed in the next upgrade.

(The form 'SortCharactersCharTable( <tbl>, <perm> )' with an explicit
permutation as second argument, as suggested in the answer to Kay
Magaard's letter, works.)

Goetz Pfeiffer.

> < [top]