Alexander Hulpke suggested I send this question to the forum.
I've been trying to figure out how to obtain generators for all of
the order 16 groups. I did manage to obtain the Order Distribution for
all of the 16-groups in GAP's library, but it raised some questions.
Both SolvableGroup(16,8) and SolvableGroup(16,9) have the same order
distribution -- [1,1] [2,7] [4,8]. I have a book which states that 27
is the first order where this occurs (Budden - The Fascination of
Groups), but I believe GAP more.
Anyways, any methods for getting generators or for building the
multiplication tables for these groups would be appreciated. This is
a lead in for building generators for all the order 24, 48, 60 and
120 order groups.
--ED PEGG, Univerisity of Colorado, US
============================================ Changing QU to Z will COMMUNIZE a COMMUNIQUE Ed Pegg Jr. -- ============================================