> < ^ Date: 26 Apr 2001 16:43:12 +0200
> < ^ From: Dmitrii Pasechnik <d.pasechnik@twi.tudelft.nl >
> < ^ Subject: Re: GAP Packages under WinNT

Dear GAP-Forum,

"Rfhat Zh. Aleev" <aleev@cgu.chel.su> writes:

We want to use package "chevie" for GAP3.4.4 (there no that package for
GAP4.2(?!)) and have

gap> RequirePackage("chevie");
Error, share library "chevie" is not installed in
LoadPackage( name ) called from
RequirePackage( "chevie" ) called from
main loop
brk> quit;
gap> quit;

Our system Russian WinNT4.0 (sp5).
Any suggestions?

I just tried installing gap3.4.4 on a Windows 2000 box,
and chevie runs there just fine.

(downloading ftp://ftp-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/pub/gap/gap-3.4.4/gappc344.zoo,
unpacking and editing bin\gap.bat)

Are you running this distribution too?

(certainly chevie is not available on gap4)
Dmitrii V. Pasechnik	e-mail: d.pasechnik@its.tudelft.nl
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