Dear Forum:
Tony Gaglione and David Joyner asked on June 5:
Does there exist GAP code to implement the collection process for
free groups?
Since nobody has answered so far, others seems to be as puzzled as I
am, what is meant.
GAP can work with free groups and freely reduce products:
gap> f := FreeGroup(3); Group( f.1, f.2, f.3 ) gap> w1 := f.1 * f.2 * f.2 * f.3^-2 * f.2^2; f.1*f.2^2*f.3^-2*f.2^2 gap> w2 := f.2^-2 * f.3 * f.2 * f.1; f.2^-2*f.3*f.2*f.1 gap> w1 * w2; f.1*f.2^2*f.3^-1*f.2*f.1
Surely you mean something better than that, but can you please explain
Kind regards Joachim Neubueser