Dear Gap-Forum,
the following (under the present up to date version of gap) seems
to display a bug(?)
- Peter M"uller ------------------------------------------------------------------- gap> x:=[(3,5)(6,7),(2,3)(4,7),(1,2)(5,7)]; [ (3,5)(6,7), (2,3)(4,7), (1,2)(5,7) ] gap> y:=[(3,5)(6,7),(2,3)(4,7),(1,2)(3,6)]; [ (3,5)(6,7), (2,3)(4,7), (1,2)(3,6) ] gap> g:=Group(Concatenation(x,y),()); Group( (3,5)(6,7), (2,3)(4,7), (1,2)(5,7), (3,5)(6,7), (2,3)(4,7), (1,2) (3,6) ) gap> RepresentativeOperation(g,x,y,OnTuples); Error, List Element: <list>[1] must have a value at img[bpt] := lensh[OrbitLength( Group( g ), bpt )] ... in G.operations.RepresentativeConjugationElements( G, d, e ) called from S.operations.RepresentativeOperation( S, d[i], e[i] ^ (rep ^ (-1 * 1)), OnPoints ) called from arg[1].operations.RepresentativeOperation( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4] ) called from RepresentativeOperation( g, x, y, OnTuples ) called from main loop brk> quit; gap> quit;