> < ^ Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 15:10:00 -0400
> < ^ From: Lewis McCarthy <lmccarth@klingon.cs.umass.edu >
> ^ Subject: Factoring over GaussianRationals

Dear GAP Forum,
I've been trying to factor in the polynomial ring over the Gaussian rationals
without success. Could someone explain what I'm doing wrong in the following
example ? Also, what syntax do I need to use to factor over other finite
field extensions ?

gap> x := Indeterminate(GaussianRationals);
gap> x.name := "x";
gap> f := Polynomial(GaussianRationals,[7 - 2 * E(4),5,4 + E(4)]);
(4+E(4))*x^2 + 5*x + (7-2*E(4))
gap> Factors(PolynomialRing(f.baseRing),f);
Error, sorry, can not factor <r> in the ring <R> in
R.operations.Factors( R, r ) called from
Factors( PolynomialRing( f.baseRing ), f ) called from
main loop
brk> f in PolynomialRing(f.baseRing);

Many thanks for everyone's time...specific RTFM pointers gratefully accepted
-Lewis McCarthy (lmccarth@klingon.cs.umass.edu)

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