#I talked briefly about this with prof. Neubuser during the DAG
#day in Amiens, and he also thought it a good idea, and that
#possibly next spring could be a good time for such a workshop.
#What do other people think of this?
Given the rate at which GAP is currently growing such a meeting would seem
to be not only a good idea but also necessary.
Another aspect of GAP programming which I think needs to be discussed is
the implementation of 'utility functions' which would be useful additions
to many of the existing GAP functions. In particular, I think that functions
SaveTo() and TeX() described below are needed. Currently such functions are
either non-existent, implemented on an ad hoc basis, or written by
individual users and so not publically available.
1. SaveTo(): At present there is no uniform way to save
a GAP data structure for future retrieval. The most common way around this
is to print the structure to a file; however, this is often very
inefficient to read back in (eg. polynomials, sparse matrices). The SaveTo()
handler might look like this:
SaveTo:=function(arg)local save; save:=function(args)local a; for a in args do if IsRec(a) and IsBound(a.operations) and IsBound(a.operations.SaveTo) then a.operations.SaveTo(a); else Print(a); fi; od; end;if IsFunc(arg[1]) then arg[1](arg[2], save(arg{[3..Length(arg)]})); else PrintTo(arg[1], save(arg{[2..Length(arg)]})); fi; end;
Thus, SaveTo("fred", x) and SaveTo(AppendTo, "fred", x) are both valid
function calls (each having the obvious effect), and x.operations.SaveTo()
would use the Print() statement throughout.
2. TeX(): Obviously useful. I have written TeX functions for printing
polynomials, elements of the Hecke algebras (from the Weyl package), and
some other things. I am happy to make these available; however in order to
implement these functions properly there should be a TeX() handling function
which calls x.operations.TeX(); it would look something like this:
TeX:=function(arg) local a,i; for a in arg do if IsInt(a) or IsString(a) then Print(a); elif IsList(a) then for i in a do TeX(i); od; elif IsRec(a) and IsBound(a.operations) and IsBound(a.operations.TeX) then a.operations.TeX(a); else Print("*error*", "TeX(<a>), don't know how to TeX <a>\n"); fi; od; end;
3. Other candidates are a Maple() function and any functions which are common
to many areas of mathematics, such as InnerProduct(), Induce() and so on.
Andrew Mathas