I was really impressed with the new look of gap, and even more
impressed when both the compilation and the manual latexing went by
without a single warning. It was a bit disapointing that when I
started it, it failed to echo back what I was typing. It seems to be
working, otherwise :-)
The system here is SunOS 4.1.1, and the machines are a variety
of sparcstations. The echo failure occurs whether gap is compiled
with cc or gcc-2.1. It occurs when gap is run on an xterm or on
suns's console. A different thing happens when gap is run in an emacs
shell buffer, see this example:
gap> 10; ^@^@^@^@^@10 gap> 10+10; ^@^@^@^@^@^@20 gap> Factorial(20); ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@2432902008176640000
Each ^@ represents an actual ASCII 0, which I replaced so that it can
go through mailers. What I have shown about emacs happens whether
emacs is running in its own window or in an xterm.
Just for illustration, I started gap in an xterm, and typed in the
same three input lines. This is what I got:
gap> 10 gap> 20 gap> 2432902008176640000
Arnaldo Mandel \ am@ime.usp.br
Computer Science Dep. \..............................
Universidade de S\~{a}o Paulo / This space intentionally
S\~{a}o Paulo - SP - Brazil / left blank ------> <-------