I am new to this forum, and I have the following problem:
I load in a file with the following group.
c := AbstractGenerator ("c"); d := AbstractGenerator ("d"); a1 := AbstractGenerator ("a1"); a2 := AbstractGenerator ("a2"); b1 := AbstractGenerator ("b1"); b2 := AbstractGenerator ("b2"); g3 := AgGroupFpGroup( rec( generators := [d,c,a1,a2,b1,b2], relators := [b1^2,b2^2,a1^2*(b1)^(-1),a2^2*(b2)^(-1),c^3,d^2, (a1^c)*(a2)^(-1),(a2^c)*(a1*a2)^(-1), (b1^c)*(b2)^(-1),(b2^c)*(b1*b2)^(-1), (c^d)*(c^2)^(-1), (a2^d)*(a1*a2)^(-1),(b2^d)*(b1*b2)^(-1)]));
This group seems to load ok, but when I ask GAP to compute the character
table of g3, I get the following response.
gap> Read ("chardegs.m");
gap> t3 := CharTable (g3);
#W Warning: Group has no name
Error, List Element: <list>[6] must have a value at
if not used[i] and Length( con[1].perm ) = Length( replist[i][1].perm ) ... in
liftreps( replist ) called from
RepresentationsPGroup( g, 1 ) called from
CharTablePGroup( G, "meckere nicht" ) called from
DixonInit( G, opt ) called from
arg[1].operations.CharTable( arg[1] ) called from
Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Is there a problem
with my presentation, or is this a bug in GAP?
Mark Lewis
Mark L. Lewis
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242
Phone (330)672-4004 ext 272