Dear GAP-Forum,
Chris Charnes asked:
I need a routine that returns a polynomial of say degree 100 over GF(2) of the form: x^100 + x^a + x^b + ... + 1, where each component of (a,b,c,...) is > < 100.
Taking the following routine:
# RandomNormedPol(<Ring>,<degreerange>)
RandomNormedPol := function ( r, deg ) local f; f := r.operations.Random; if not IsField( r ) then r := Field( r ); fi; return Polynomial( r, Concatenation( List( [ 1 .. RandomList( deg ) ], function ( i ) return f( r ); end ), [ ] ) ); end;
This will do the job:
gap> k:=GF(2);; gap> RandomNormedPol(k,[100]);
Alexander Hulpke
-- Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH, Templergraben 64, 52056 Aachen, Germany,