Dear Jan,
You asked about semidirect products of Lie algebras in GAP.
At the moment a function for constructing those does not exist.
However, below is some code for this. If you encounter difficulties
with it, then please ask.
Best wishes,
sem_dir_prod:= function( L, hom, rad )
# here `hom' is a homomorphsim from `L' into `Der( rad )'.
# We assume that `hom( x )' is a matrix
# and that the columns of `hom( x )' contain the coefficients of
# the images of the basis vectors of `rad'.
# The function returns the semidirect product of `L' and `rad',
# where the action of `L' on `rad' is given by `hom'.local d, n, T, B, i, j, cf, c, k, td, dlist, S;dlist:= List( Basis(L), x -> Image( hom, x ) );
d:= Length( dlist );
n:= Length( dlist ) + Dimension( rad );
F:= LeftActingDomain( L );
T:= EmptySCTable( n, Zero(F), "antisymmetric" );
S:= StructureConstantsTable( Basis( L ) );
B:= Basis( VectorSpace( Rationals, dlist ), dlist );for i in [1..d] do for j in [1..d] do T[i][j]:= S[i][j]; od; od; td:= List( dlist, TransposedMat ); for i in [1..d] do for j in [1..Dimension( rad ) ] do cf:= td[i][j]; c:=[]; for k in [1..Length(cf)] do if cf[k] <> 0 then Add( c, cf[k] ); Add( c, k+d ); fi; od; SetEntrySCTable( T, i, j+d, c ); od; od; B:= Basis( rad ); for i in [1..Dimension(rad)] do for j in [i+1..Dimension(rad)] do cf:= Coefficients( B, B[i]*B[j] ); c:=[]; for k in [1..Length(cf)] do if cf[k] <> 0 then Add( c, cf[k] ); Add( c, k+d ); fi; od; SetEntrySCTable( T, i+d, j+d, c ); od; od;
return LieAlgebraByStructureConstants( F, T );
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