Dear Forum,
Michael Hartley wrote:
I have a large group, a quotient of an infinite group on five
generators. I have a permutation representation of it on 50 points,
and would like to find a presentation for it.The order of the group is 943718400 = 2^17 . 7200. I know the
presentation of the (non-normal) subgroup of order 7200 generated
by 4 of the generators. I'm using the two-stage algorithm provided
in GAP4r2, but so far it's taken 3 days on a Pentium 550 under
Windows.Any advice on how to tackle this kind of problem more efficiently?
Dear Michael Hartley,
the forthcoming release GAP 4.3 will contain a new multi-stage
algorithm which is much more effective than the current two-stage
algorithm for the computation of a presentation. So there is a
chance that it will provide a presentation for your group.
As this new algorithm is not yet available in your GAP installation
I would like to suggest that you send your data to my email address
Then I will try to run the job for you.
With kind regards, Volkmar Felsch
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