> < ^ Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 16:14:53 +0200
> < ^ From: Sebastian Egner <sebastian.egner@philips.com >
^ Subject: A wrong bit in the Primitive Groups Library

Dear GAP-forum,

there is a little mistake in the Primitive Groups Library of
GAP v3.4.3: The "isOdd"-Flag of the groups of size 25401600
on 49 points is wrong. PG(393) is in fact odd and PG(394) is
in fact even. Here is a diff-File which I have shot in order
do say precisely what I have fixed (the two wrong bits and
PrimitiveGroup refusing to create PG(406)):

< [49,  25401600,  1, 00100,     ,     ,             , 339,340,326,341],
< [49,  25401600,  1, 00000,     ,     ,             , 339,340,342],
> [49,  25401600,  1, 00000,     ,     ,             , 339,340,326,341],
> [49,  25401600,  1, 00100,     ,     ,             , 339,340,342],
<     if deg > PGTable[Length(PGTable)][1]  then
<         Error("<deg> is too large");
<     fi;
<     if not IsBound( PGTable[h+nr-1] )
>     if Length(PGTable) < deg  then
>         Error("<deg> is too large");
>     fi;
>     if not IsBound( PGTable[h+nr] )

Sebastian Egner.

> < [top]