> < ^ Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 12:22:26 +0200 (MET DST)
> ^ From: Marco Costantini <costanti@giove.mat.uniroma1.it >
> ^ Subject: Subgroups generated by p^i powers

Dear Gap forum,

let p be a fixed prime,
let G be a finite p-group (but the
following makes sense for every gruop),
and let \mho_i(G) and \mho_{(i)}(G)
the subgroups of G defined by
\mho_i(G) := the subgroup generated
by the p^i-powers of the elements of G,
\mho_{(0)}(G) := G,
\mho_{(i+1)}(G) := \mho_1(\mho_{(i)}(G)).

Is there a simple method in gap to calculate
the subgroups \mho_i(G) and \mho_{(i)}(G)?

Marco Costantini

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