Dear Gap Forum,
Jean Michel wrote
I have found, maybe not a bug, but at least an oddity in GAP3.4.4
as the following log illustrates:gap> q:=X(CF(1));"q";Factors(q^2-1); X(Rationals) "q" [ q - 1, q + 1 ] gap> q:=X(CF(2));"q";Factors(q^2-1); X(CF(1)) "q" Error, sorry, can not factor <r> in the ring <R> in R.operations.Factors( R, r ) called from Factors( q ^ 2 - 1 ) called from main loop brk>
Indeed this is a strange behaviour.
It will be corrected together with the next bug fixes.
Thanks for this report.
Kind regards
Thomas Breuer