Dear Mrs. and Mr. Forum,
Steve Fisk asked for a function that returns or prints information
about eigenvalues of representations of symmetric groups.
If one constructs the character table of the symmetric group S_n using
't:= CharTable( "Symmetric", n )' then 't' contains the partitions
that parametrize the conjugacy classes and the irreducible characters.
The partition corresponding to the 'j'-th conjugacy class is
't.classparam[j][2]', the partition corresponding to the 'i'-th
irreducible character is 't.irredinfo[i].charparam[2]'.
So a function that prints the two partitions and the eigenvalues
of the 'i'-th character at class 'j' may look like this.
Fisk := function( t, i, j ) Print( t.irredinfo[i].charparam[2], " ", t.classparam[j][2], " ", Eigenvalues( t, t.irreducibles[i], j ), "\n" ); end;
Kind regards
Thomas Breuer