Dear Gap Forum,
I am presently using the DOS version of GAP 3.1. What must I do to
correct the following error(s)?
gap> z2 := Group( (1,2) );; gap> := "z2";; gap> g4 := Group( (1,3)(2,4), (1,2)(3,4) );; gap> := "g4";; gap> i4 := IdentityMapping( g4 );; gap> g8 := WreathProduct(z2, g4, i4);; gap> gt1 := Subgroup( g8, [ > WreathProductElement( (1,2), (), (), (), (), () ), > WreathProductElement( (), (1,2), (), (), (), () ), > WreathProductElement( (), (), (1,2), (), (), () ) ] );; gap> := "gt1";; gap> x1 := Set( RightCosets( g8, gt1 ) );; gap> Operation( g8, x1, OnRightCosets ); Error, for: <list> must evaluate to a list at for <var> in set ... in opr( D[i], gen ) called from arg[1].operations.Operation( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3] ) called from Operation( g8, x1, OnRightCosets ) called from main loop brk> . . . gap> Permutation( WreathProductElement( (1,2), (), (), (), (1,3)(2,4), > (1,3)(2,4) ), x1, OnRightCosets ); Error, for: <list> must evaluate to a list at for <var> in set ... in opr( D[i], g ) called from D.operation.Permutation( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3] ) called from Permutation( WreathProductElement( (1,2), (), (), (), (1,3)(2,3), (1,3)(2, 4) ), x1, OnRightCosets ) called from main loop brk>
Ron Biggers
Ronald C. Biggers Associate Professor of Mathematics Kennesaw State College P.O. Box 444 Marietta, GA 30061 (404)423-6505 or 6327 Fax (404) 423-6629