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2007 Braunschweig GAP 4 Packages Workshop.

GAP Package Authors Workshop took place at TU Braunschweig on September 11-15, 2007.

This informal workshop was aimed at researchers who have some experience of using GAP and are interested in developing more substantial programs or packages.

The morning sessions of the workshop were be devoted to talks contributed by the participants about algorithms, their implementation in GAP and applications. The main speakers were Graham Ellis (Galway), David Joyner (Annapolis), Max Neunhoeffer (Aachen/St. Andrews) and Csaba Schneider (Budapest). You may also view the list of participants.

The afternoon sessions of the workshop included lectures on key aspects of the design of GAP, practical sessions with advice on debugging and optimising GAP programs and discussions about future directions of GAP. Here are the links to the schedule and the abstracts.

There are pictures from the workshop here and also there.

Slides of the talks:

  • J. Bamberg Desargues, a finite geometry package
  • H. Dietrich, Doerte Feichtenschlager Investigating p-groups by coclass
  • A. Distler GAP package organization
  • G. Ellis A Lemma of C.T.C. Wall
  • R. Hartung The NQL-Package - A Nilpotent Quotient Algorithm for L-presented Groups
  • D. Joyner Guava - an open source coding theory package
  • D. Joyner SAGE - an open source general purpose mathematical software package
  • O. Konovalov Symbolic computation software composability protocol
  • S. Linton (1) Exception and error handling, (2) Introduction to the GAP kernel and compiler,
    (3) Interfacing to GAP, (4) GAP in the multi-core world: questions, not answers
  • F. Lübeck Documenting GAP code with GAPDoc
  • J. Mueller Enumerating big orbits and an application to Fi23
  • G. Nagy The GAP package LOOPS - computing with quasigroups and loops
  • M. Neunhoeffer, handout A new programmer's interface for vectors and matrices
  • M. Neunhoeffer, handout Matrix group recognition in GAP
  • O. Pylyavska The Linear Matrix Problems in the Determination of p-Groups
  • M. Roeder Resolutions for Bieberbach Groups Using GAP and polymake
  • Siddhartha Sarkar On the Genus of a p-Group
  • Jack Schmidt Extensions of PcGroups by RWSGroups
  • C. Schneider LieAlgDB - A database of Lie algebras. Sophus - Computing with nilpotent Lie algebras
  • C. Wensley The CHDA packages