
There is a lot of written material telling about the functionality and use of GAP, providing information about algorithmic background and giving hints for writing own GAP code.

  • Manuals

    • The Tutorial (PDF) gives a first introduction to the system
    • The Reference Manual (PDF) with complete descriptions of all library functions and examples of their use.
    • The file describes most essential changes between all GAP releases.
    • Each GAP package has its individual manual which you can access through the list of packages.
  • Learning GAP

    In addition to the Tutorial mentioned above there is a variety of material intended to help people to learn on their own the GAP language and the use of the GAP system. We have tried to organize links to such material somewhat according to the level and intended audience on the page quoted in the heading.

  • Teaching Material

    GAP has been used in several places to support the teaching of a variety of courses. We are grateful to the colleagues who allowed us to point to some course material of such courses and we would appreciate to obtain access to further such material. We hope that this can be helpful to colleagues intending a similar use of GAP, but it may also be used by students studying the topics of such courses.

  • Bibliographies

    • There is a Google Scholar profile for the GAP system and some of its packages, where citations are added automatically as soon as they are detected by Google.
    • Another independent source of citations for GAP and packages is zbMATH. There is a dedicated page tracking GAP at zbMATH from which one can access a list of publications citing GAP.
    • We also used to produce our own bibliography of work involving and giving acknowledgement to GAP but this has not been maintained since 2022. You can still download the old .bib file here.