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78 publications using GAP published in 2000

[A00] Abduh, A. A., On the representations of subgroups of the Janko sporadic simple group $J_1$, Far East J. Math. Sci. (FJMS), 2 (6) (2000), 963–971.

[AB+00] Alexander, J., Balasubramanian, R., Martin, J., Monahan, K., Pollatsek, H., and Sen, A., Ruling out $(160,54,18)$ difference sets in some nonabelian groups, J. Combin. Des., 8 (4) (2000), 221–231.

[A00] Alp, M., Some results on derivation groups, Turkish J. Math., 24 (2) (2000), 121–128.

[A00] Alp, M., Special cases of $\rm cat^1$-groups, Algebras Groups Geom., 17 (4) (2000), 468–478.

[AP00] Alp, M. and Pak, S., Underlying groupoids, Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat., 49 (1-2) (2000), 25–31.

[AW00] Alp, M. and Wensley, C. D., Enumeration of $\rm cat^1$-groups of low order, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 10 (4) (2000), 407–424.

[A00] Araújo, I. M., Presentations for semigroup constructions and related computational methods, Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2000).

[AS00] Araújo, I. M. and Solomon, A., Computing with semigroups in $ßfGAP$—a tutorial, in Semigroups (Braga, 1999), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ (2000), 1–18.

[A00] Ashrafi, A. R., On finite groups with a given number of centralizers, Algebra Colloq., 7 (2) (2000), 139–146.

[BP00] Babai, L. and Pak, I., Strong bias of group generators: an obstacle to the ``product replacement algorithm'', in Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (San Francisco, CA, 2000), ACM, New York (2000), 627–635.

[B00] Bartholdi, L., Lamps, factorizations, and finite fields, Amer. Math. Monthly, 107 (5) (2000), 429–436.

[B00] Bereczky, Á., Maximal overgroups of Singer elements in classical groups, J. Algebra, 234 (1) (2000), 187–206.

[BK00] Bessenrodt, C. and Kleshchev, A. S., Irreducible tensor products over alternating groups, J. Algebra, 228 (2) (2000), 536–550.

[BL00] Björner, A. and Lutz, F. H., Simplicial manifolds, bistellar flips and a 16-vertex triangulation of the Poincaré homology 3-sphere, Experiment. Math., 9 (2) (2000), 275–289.

[BE00] Bovdi, A. and Erdei, L., Unitary units in modular group algebras of $2$-groups, Comm. Algebra, 28 (2) (2000), 625–630.

[BP00] Bratus, S. and Pak, I., Fast constructive recognition of a black box group isomorphic to $S_n$ or $A_n$ using Goldbach's conjecture, J. Symbolic Comput., 29 (1) (2000), 33–57.

[BPR00] Bray, J., Parker, C., and Rowley, P., Cayley type graphs and cubic graphs of large girth, Discrete Math., 214 (1-3) (2000), 113–121.

[B00] Breuer, T., Characters and automorphism groups of compact Riemann surfaces, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 280 (2000), xii+199 pages.

[B00] Brown, K. S., The coset poset and probabilistic zeta function of a finite group, J. Algebra, 225 (2) (2000), 989–1012.

[CS00] Camina, A. R. and Spiezia, F., Sporadic groups and automorphisms of linear spaces, J. Combin. Des., 8 (5) (2000), 353–362.

[C00] Cutting, A., Todd-Coxeter Methods for inverse monoids, Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2000).

[G00] de Graaf, W. A., Lie algebras: theory and algorithms, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, North-Holland Mathematical Library, 56 (2000), xii+393 pages.

[DH00] Delgado Friedrichs, O. and Huson, D. H., 4-regular vertex-transitive tilings of $\bold E^3$, Discrete Comput. Geom., 24 (2-3) (2000), 279–292
(The Branko Grünbaum birthday issue).

[DF00] Delgado, M. and Fernandes, V. H., Abelian kernels of some monoids of injective partial transformations and an application, Semigroup Forum, 61 (3) (2000), 435–452.

[DD00] Ðoković, D. Ž. and Doniz, D., The complex indecomposable representations of $\rm Aut(F_2)$ of degree less than six, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 10 (2) (2000), 229–260.

[D00] Dolfi, S., Orbits of permutation groups on the power set, Arch. Math. (Basel), 75 (5) (2000), 321–327.

[EJ00] Edjvet, M. and Juhász, A., Equations of length 4 and one-relator products, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 129 (2) (2000), 217–229.

[EJ00] Edjvet, M. and Juhász, A., One-relator quotients of free products of cyclic groups, Comm. Algebra, 28 (2) (2000), 883–902.

[E00] Eisermann, M., Knotengruppen-Darstellungen und Invarianten von endlichem Typ, Universität Bonn, Mathematisches Institut, Bonn, Bonner Mathematische Schriften [Bonn Mathematical Publications], 327 (2000), viii+135 pages
(Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Bonn, 2000).

[F00] Fernandes, V. H., The monoid of all injective orientation preserving partial transformations on a finite chain, Comm. Algebra, 28 (7) (2000), 3401–3426.

[F00] Ferrario, D. L., Equivariant deformations of manifolds and real representations, Pacific J. Math., 196 (2) (2000), 353–368.

[FO00] Flannery, D. L. and O'Brien, E. A., Computing 2-cocycles for central extensions and relative difference sets, Comm. Algebra, 28 (4) (2000), 1939–1955.

[GKP00] Geck, M., Kim, S., and Pfeiffer, G., Minimal length elements in twisted conjugacy classes of finite Coxeter groups, J. Algebra, 229 (2) (2000), 570–600.

[GK00] Geissler, K. and Klüners, J., Galois group computation for rational polynomials, J. Symbolic Comput., 30 (6) (2000), 653–674
(Algorithmic methods in Galois theory).

[G00] Ginzburg, V., Principal nilpotent pairs in a semisimple Lie algebra. I, Invent. Math., 140 (3) (2000), 511–561.

[GHS00] Green, E. L., Heath, L. S., and Struble, C. A., Constructing endomorphism rings via duals, in Proceedings of the 2000 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (St. Andrews), ACM, New York (2000), 129–136.

[G00] Greenhill, C., An algorithm for recognising the exterior square of a multiset, LMS J. Comput. Math., 3 (2000), 96–116.

[GK00] Guralnick, R. M. and Kantor, W. M., Probabilistic generation of finite simple groups, J. Algebra, 234 (2) (2000), 743–792
(Special issue in honor of Helmut Wielandt).

[H00] Haller, S., Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Algorithmus zur Berechnung von Kommutatoren unipotenter Elemente in Chevalley-Gruppen, Diplomarbeit, Arbeitsgruppe Algebra, Mathematisches Institut, Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen, Gießen, Germany (2000).

[HMS00] Hausel, T., Makai Jr. , E., and Szűcs, A., Inscribing cubes and covering by rhombic dodecahedra via equivariant topology, Mathematika, 47 (1-2) (2000), 371–397 (2002).

[HN+00] Havas, G., Newman, M. F., Niemeyer, A. C., and Sims, C. C., Computing in groups with exponent six, in Computational and geometric aspects of modern algebra (Edinburgh, 1998), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 275 (2000), 87–100.

[HS00] Héthelyi, L. and Szőke, M., Green correspondence and its generalisations, Comm. Algebra, 28 (9) (2000), 4463–4479.

[HK00] Hiss, G. and Kessar, R., Scopes reduction and Morita equivalence classes of blocks in finite classical groups, J. Algebra, 230 (2) (2000), 378–423.

[H00] Hoffman, C., Cross characteristic projective representations for some classical groups, J. Algebra, 229 (2) (2000), 666–677.

[H00] Hsu, T., Quilts: central extensions, braid actions, and finite groups, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1731 (2000), xii+185 pages.

[H00] Hulpke, A., Conjugacy classes in finite permutation groups via homomorphic images, Math. Comp., 69 (232) (2000), 1633–1651.

[IL00] Ivanyos, G. and Lux, K., Treating the exceptional cases of the MeatAxe, Experiment. Math., 9 (3) (2000), 373–381.

[I00] Ivenzic', T., Simplizialkomplexe auflösbarer Untergruppen und die Alperinsche Gewichtsvermutung, Diplomarbeit, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH-Aachen, Aachen (2000).

[KM00] Klüners, J. and Malle, G., Explicit Galois realization of transitive groups of degree up to 15, J. Symbolic Comput., 30 (6) (2000), 675–716
(Algorithmic methods in Galois theory).

[K00] Kohl, S., Über die Anzahl der Bahnen in endlichen Gruppen unter der Operation ihrer Automorphismengruppe - Suzuki-Gruppen vs. lineare Gruppen, Diplomarbeit, Universität Stuttgart (2000).

[K00] Konovalov, A., On several problems in modular group algebras and their investigations using computer algebra system GAP, in Groups and group rings. Abstracts. Wisla, Poland, June 6–10 (2000), 25.

[KM00] Koolen, J. H. and Munemasa, A., Tight $2$-designs and perfect $1$-codes in Doob graphs, J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 86 (2) (2000), 505–513
(Special issue in honor of Professor Ralph Stanton).

[K00] Korableva, V. V., Parabolic permutation representations of the group $^2E_6(q^2)$, Mat. Zametki, 67 (6) (2000), 899–912.

[LPS00] Liebeck, M. W., Praeger, C. E., and Saxl, J., Transitive subgroups of primitive permutation groups, J. Algebra, 234 (2) (2000), 291–361
(Special issue in honor of Helmut Wielandt).

[MO00] Makai, M. and Orechwa, Y., Field reconstruction from measured values in symmetric volumes, NUCL ENG DES, 199 (3) (2000), 289–301.

[MS00] Matei, D. and Suciu, A. I., Cohomology rings and nilpotent quotients of real and complex arrangements, in Arrangements—Tokyo 1998, Kinokuniya, Tokyo, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 27 (2000), 185–215.

[MP00] McDonough, T. P. and Pallikaros, C. A., On the irreducible representations of the specializations in characteristics 2 and 3 of the generic Hecke algebra of type $F_4^1$, J. Algebra, 226 (2) (2000), 857–864.

[M00] Michel, J., Calculs en théorie des groupes et introduction au langage GAP (groups, algorithms and programming), in Groupes finis, Ed. Éc. Polytech., Palaiseau (2000), 71–95.

[M00] Michler, G. O., On the construction of the finite simple groups with a given centralizer of a 2-central involution, J. Algebra, 234 (2) (2000), 668–693
(Special issue in honor of Helmut Wielandt).

[M00] Migliorini, F., Some topics and a classification in the theory of sm-representation of finite groups, Pure Math. Appl., 11 (3) (2000), 521–532.

[MM00] Moori, J. and Mpono, Z., Fischer-Clifford matrices and the character table of a maximal subgroup of $\overline F_22$, Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra, 10 (1) (2000), 1–12.

[M00] Müller, J., The 2-modular decomposition matrices of the symmetric groups $S_15,S_16$, and $S_17$, Comm. Algebra, 28 (10) (2000), 4997–5005.

[M00] Mysovskikh, V. I., Burnside matrices and subgroup embeddings in finite groups, in Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics (Moscow, 2000), Springer, Berlin (2000), 528–533.

[N00] Nebe, G., Invariants of orthogonal $G$-modules from the character table, Experiment. Math., 9 (4) (2000), 623–629.

[O00] Ottensmann, M., Vervollständigung der Brauerbäume von 3.ON in Charakteristik 11, 19 und 31 mit Methoden der Kondensation, Diplomarbeit, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH-Aachen, Aachen (2000).

[R00] Reeder, M., Formal degrees and $L$-packets of unipotent discrete series representations of exceptional $p$-adic groups, J. Reine Angew. Math., 520 (2000), 37–93
(With an appendix by Frank Lübeck).

[RS00] Rees, S. and Soicher, L. H., An algorithmic approach to fundamental groups and covers of combinatorial cell complexes, J. Symbolic Comput., 29 (1) (2000), 59–77.

[R00] Röhr, F., Die Brauer-Charaktere der sporadisch einfachen Rudvalis-Gruppe in den Charakteristiken 13 und 29, Diplomarbeit, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH-Aachen, Aachen (2000).

[R00] Rossmanith, R., Lie centre-by-metabelian group algebras in even characteristic. I, II, Israel J. Math., 115 (2000), 51–75, 77–99.

[RT00] Rylands, L. J. and Taylor, D. E., Constructions for octonion and exceptional Jordan algebras, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 21 (1-3) (2000), 191–203
(Special issue dedicated to Dr. Jaap Seidel on the occasion of his 80th birthday (Oisterwijk, 1999)).

[S00] Sarmiento, J., Resolutions of $\rm PG(5,2)$ with point-cyclic automorphism group, J. Combin. Des., 8 (1) (2000), 2–14.

[S00] Shaw, R., Subsets of $\rm PG(n,2)$ and maximal partial spreads in $\rm PG(4,2)$, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 21 (1-3) (2000), 209–222
(Special issue dedicated to Dr. Jaap Seidel on the occasion of his 80th birthday (Oisterwijk, 1999)).

[S00] Simonis, J., The $[23,14,5]$ Wagner code is unique, Discrete Math., 213 (1-3) (2000), 269–282
(Selected topics in discrete mathematics (Warsaw, 1996)).

[S00] Skersys, G., Computing permutation groups of error-correcting codes, Liet. Mat. Rink., 40 (Special Issue) (2000), 320–328.

[S00] Sorge, V., Non-trivial symbolic computations in proof planning, in Frontiers of combining systems (Nancy, 2000), Springer, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 1794 (2000), 121–135.

[SWW00] Suleiman, I. A. I., Walsh, P. G., and Wilson, R. A., Conjugacy classes in sporadic simple groups, Comm. Algebra, 28 (7) (2000), 3209–3222.

[T00] Taherkhani, F., The Kazhdan property of the mapping class group of closed surfaces and the first cohomology group of its cofinite subgroups, Experiment. Math., 9 (2) (2000), 261–274.

[W00] White, D. L., Decomposition numbers of unipotent blocks of $\rm Sp_6(2^a)$ in odd characteristics, J. Algebra, 227 (1) (2000), 172–194.